To be happy in this world, first you need a cell phone and then you need an airplane. ...

... Then you're truly wireless.

Ted Turner

Screenshots TAPP on iPhone / iPod touch

TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Splashscreen iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Main menu iPhone TAPP Plane map (Throw A Paper Plane) iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) New plane iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Plane message iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Throw plane iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Trace plane route iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Read message iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Flight logbook TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Settings iPhone TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Help pages iPhone

Screenshots TAPP on iPad

TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Splashscreen iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Main menu iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Plane map iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) New plane iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Plane message iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Throw plane iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Trace plane route iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Read message iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Settings iPad TAPP (Throw A Paper Plane) Help pages iPad

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